the novel is, columns in it. And the sound like this: “When I started, almost fifty years ago with my job, we had to use the German language, today, we are as a Consultant-expert for Work-Life Balance and Personal Branding.” Michael krüger’s first-person narrator, motivation coach, but rather with cultural criticism. Nothing escapes his dissecting look, the gold laminated Smartphone, he commented on the same floor as pedestrian-only zones umgemodelte stations. Manager, the not read books, but prefer their films to look at, to be cleaned with the same dedication as flat screens, self-driving cars and the “digital metastases”, to read constantly in the Newspapers.

Kai Spanke


F. A. Z.

The Suada against the vacuity of the present device the narrator is so steep and all-encompassing that one might take them seriously. This is a shame, because a lot of good observations lost in the heat of the duration of arousal, unfortunately. Fashion: “look, in the Meantime, Yes, almost all of the children are similar and differ only by the inscriptions on their T-Shirts.” Architecture: “The Potsdamer Platz was nothing more than a memorial of the exclusive ugliness.” Deutsche Bahn (for reasons of space, in keywords): people in the Track, not to open the window, stupid bolder Schaffner, stupid bolder passengers, delays, missed connecting trains. Also, anyone who has not read krüger’s book, about all of this is in the picture, because it’s Obvious, everywhere Beklagtes or at the regulars ‘ table already Discussed. to stalls

As an antidote to such a miss good, of the we learn directly on the second page, Cioran and Canetti, Lichtenberg, and Nietzsche. The narrator even sounds at times more like something out of the clock, distressed figure of Thomas Bernhard (“A single piece of furniture is this total life destruction escaped”). He carries on his travels, always have a book with aphorisms, has neatly rubbed off on him: “they All wanted to be good, and Good want to, but the Good news was a rare commodity.” In the literature, the high top is rare, and krüger’s novel represents only passage way, an exception to this rule. He carries the title “Temporary” and is about a narrator who is associated in ongoing Self – and foreign bespiegelung. When he wakes up during a train journey from sleep, he noticed that a girl in him, has nestled. It is called Jara, speaks no English, looks like a mix of “Goblin and Fairy” and lives henceforth with him.