The cowbells in a pasture in the upper Bavarian wooden churches may only ring once more. The land court of Munich II, dismissed on Thursday a claim by a neighbor who felt lives with her husband on the outskirts of the cows, the bells, but also of odours and flies disturbed. The dispute with the farmer’s for years. According to the husband, the the exclusive property belongs to, complained to his wife. You have no claim to stand, justified the chamber under judge Christiane Karrasch now the dismissal of their lawsuit. It was not the owner of the property.

in Addition, the court expressed doubts as to whether the woman alleged harassment was essential, and also put forward “Ortsunüblichkeit” grazing use, the judge had doubts. It went to five cows, four bells, six weeks and eight cows, with six bells, four and a half weeks, listed Karrasch. The applicant had kept meticulous book – and argues that The bells bimmelten at night, you do not get eye. She had not complained against the farmer, which leads to operating with about three dozen cows in a family, but also against the municipality, which has leased about one acre of pasture land.

Before the husband with his crusade against the cowbells had failed before the district court of Munich II, not least because of a comparison he had previously closed with the farmer. On this comparison, the court referred to the well again. Therefore, cows with bells should graze only in the at least 20 meters distant part of the pasture. According to the couple, not brought enough relief. The dispute continues: The husband waits for the second instance before the higher regional court (OLG) in Munich. If the woman pulls in front of the court of appeal, was open in the first place.