Measures against poverty in Spain – basic income is the largest Emergency Linder nThe government wants to take action against poverty. The hunger queues in all the major cities in Spain the most visible sign of the Corona-crisis.Sebastian Schoepp0 comment Spain’s economy is on the ground: the queue in front of a shop in Madrid.Photo: Susana Vera (Reuters)

Each Morning ensures Julián, 37-year-old native of Madrid, in the hungry queue in front of the food Ave María, who runs the Catholic Church in the centre of the Spanish capital, diagonally opposite the due to the crisis, Teatro Calderón closed. Julian lived in front of the Corona-crisis of the English and French lessons, as he told a Reporter for the BBC these days. Then be with him because of the Lockdown of a day on the on the other hand, all customers broken away: not only because of the distance limitations, but also because all the Spaniards were affected by the stop of economic life. To paid language courses saves in the first.

Now he is here every Morning before the food issue is the Real Congregación de Esclavos del Dulce Nombre de María, the Royal congregation of the slaves of the Sweet Name of Mary, which meets since 1611 social tasks. Julian gets after a long waiting, a plastic bag with bread, fruit, yogurt, a Sandwich and a can of macaroni in tomato sauce. That helps against the Hunger, and also you do not get asked here a lot, who you are and where you come from, he says. This, in turn, helps against the shame.

family assistance

only on the mercy of the Church and other Social and voluntary services are dependent, has introduced the socialist-led government in Madrid a basic income. 26. June would receive 75’000 households, with a total of 255’000 people across the country, the first payment, has informed Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez. The basic income is similar to the social assistance that did not exist in Spain so far. After the end of receipt of unemployment money the people were generally destitute and had to rely on family assistance, which has kept the Spaniards in earlier crises, for example after the Burst of the real estate bubble in the early ten years ago, before the worst of the Worst. However, in the Corona itself, this Form of emergency will fail, because in many families there is no one more worthy of money.

the expression of this condition are the “colas de hambre” the hunger snakes, which there are in all large cities of Spain and have become the most visible sign of the crisis. There, immigrants, socially vulnerable families, former waiter, bankrupt bar owners, single mothers, young academics such as Julian are. Kilometers is the length of some of these snakes to go.

760’000 Jobs lost

to amount to between 462 and 1015 euros per month, depending on the composition and Size of the household. Claim people between 23 and 65 years, the cause for at least three years, a self-employed household at least one year subject to social insurance contributions goods and whose income per Person in the household is under 230 euros a month are entitled to. Sánchez stressed that “More than half of the beneficiaries will be minors.”

The new basic income, to help them, was part of the coalition agreement between the socialists and the left alternatives of the Unidas Podemos, which had represented this demand in the election of 2019. The socialists were skeptical at first, because of expected objections from Brussels. You have to be prepared to have to explain how the 3.5 billion Euro for the new live aid revenue in the face of a collapsing economy and lack of tax.

But the problem of Hunger in the decision-making accelerated. The government expects that 850’will have 000 households claim on the new state aid. This corresponds to approximately 2.3 million of the nearly 47 million inhabitants of Spain. The Spain’s gross domestic product will shrink this year because of the pandemic, according to an estimate by the government by more than nine per cent. Finally, it is expected an increase in the unemployment rate of 13.8 percent by the end of 2019 to 19 percent this year. A total of crisis have gone in the Corona so far, around 760’000 Jobs lost.

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