Petra Baumgardt and Wolfgang Malik are Offenbacher, body and soul. Main profession is being a graphic artist and social worker, had the Couple of years ago, the idea to share more of your Offenbach. The love for the city, in 2011, they caught the courage, and the Plan into action. Stories about the people and the special places of this city you wanted to tell – and they do so today in a small city magazine. With the fertile Melange of love for the city and Venture to try New things, was born of the beautiful Name you gave your folder, which appears four times in the year: “courage&love”.

Jochen Remmert

editor in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung, responsible for the airport and Offenbach.

F. A. Z.

The title fits in every respect, as to have brought a lot more than satisfying, with a lot of love and courage is a fine little magazine paper, not to redeem the two free of charge distributed. The Ads must be performed as a First step, the printing costs of around Euro 3500 for 5000 copies, how Baumgardt says. From time to time you could let the one or the other among the dozen volunteer writers and photographers at least a small compensation if she or he has particularly put a lot of time and effort.

courage and also love many of those, which introduces the magazine. Under the title “The Old Ones” turned Baumgardt and Malik, for example, is open to bachern for the age of information, seemingly meaningless paragraph. About Gisela and Walter Dufner are: The Couple is not expiring in the teenage Rock ’n’ Roll and dancing for him today with passion, he with two-tone Boogie-Woogie-dance shoes, you in the red Petticoat. Only the rolls to resist the more than 80-year-old Rock ’n’ Roller.

contacts Offenbach

The selection of a theme is, according to Malik never a Problem. In the editorial conference under the roof of the small house, in which the enterprising Few lives, anyone can make his proposals. Come out spending to drive issues such as Bicycle, women, the move in Offenbach, something, movie theater in Offenbach, the new harbour and literature. In “courage&love” everything is possible, like Malik says. “Because they all work in very different Professions, very different and unusual subjects,” he explains. Malik even know so many people from different social groups, because he is the honorary President of the Boxing clubs is Northrend. Together with the head Bernd hack continue, he runs a successful integration project with the help of Boxing, Malik, countless contacts are made.

graphic designer Baumgardt graduated from the University for design in Offenbach, studying and then for a few years in Berlin, spent, before the fall of the wall. Very excited you Berlin is evident, in any case, it is returned to the Main and the dedicated city with a lot of heart blood. Not without Pride, both report that the artist Leonore Poth contributes to each issue of a drawing the title of the topic.