for almost nine years, Susan Donker (29) is a primary school teacher: “After high school, I am equal to the College of education. In the fourth year of study, I then as a 'teacher education' already entirely self-taught.“ Since two years she is Deputy Director of the “Binckhorst-based school” in Laren, an idyllic small town with many thatched roof houses to the Southeast of Amsterdam.

The young woman with the long dark hair has, perhaps, made a career, but also your colleagues for the approximately 100 children in the groups 7 and 8 are all around 30 and almost appear to be a bit like the big siblings of their pupils. Holland teachers are actually younger on average than their German colleagues, who are among the oldest in Europe. FOL, 14 countries, 14 Reporter – solutions, which can be for our society as a model

FOCUS Online launches a new and constructive Reportage series. The target: perspectives for Germany’s social and societal future. What other countries do better and what you can learn Germany from international models? To find answers, travel 14 FOCUS-Online-a Reporter in 14 different countries.

All of the already published stories, you can find here.

teachers also learn from their students

Susan Donker teacher was because you liked what you experienced with your mother, who was also an elementary school teacher. “I like the dynamics of children, their learning desire. It is lovely, you grow wiser be seen“, describes your enthusiasm for teaching. “And I like it, too, to learn from the students, to understand their view of things.”

teachers in Germany earn better or more training, to get funded, heard Susan Donker. But the dependence on positions that are decided in the ministries of education of the Federal States and assigned to, you will find it pretty daunting. “We only get the internships during the course of studies is assigned. After graduation, we can apply ourselves where we want to.“ And there are also in Holland, a shortage of teachers, the Job prospects are very good. The Ministry of education is entirely foreign.

Bad Image? Have a teacher assigned only in Germany

Even more than on the schools by the respective countries authorities astonished Dutchman on the poor Image of teachers in Germany:

A well-paid part-time job with twelve weeks of vacation and at the end of the early retirement due to Burnout – this widespread Stammtisch-prejudice, and how little respect teachers enjoy in Germany today. Many dedicated educators doing wrong, but studying to be an elementary school teacher is regarded as a fix solution and the establishment is the ideal base for people with many leisure interests. It echoes from all of the ministries of education and culture: “Only the Best should be teachers!”

practice from the beginning to study

in the Netherlands, the Elite of the Nation – but at least students who have a Talent for and with the students can be collected at the teacher training colleges. Because there may and must prove to prospective teachers from the first Semester into practice.

the assistant one day per week in the first year and up to the complete design of a lesson as a teacher-in-training in the final year of study in constant contact with the school day. Holland’s teachers did not notice until after four years of study, whether you can be a teacher at all. Something like a clerkship in the Netherlands.

Talented teachers make successful students

In the centre of the teacher training in the individual subjects, to teach a primary school teacher and all, but didactics and pedagogy are less. The future teachers learn to motivate students to develop individually and to solve problems.

This requirement in the teacher training also German education experts. The pedagogy-Professor Klaus Zierer of the University of Augsburg, wrote in a guest contribution in the süddeutsche Zeitung: “teacher education needs to be overhauled. Important to Know not only Can, but also heart and character.“ In addition to technical competence should be taught in the studies is much more didactic and pedagogical competences.

“We have guidelines from the Ministry of education, the educational objectives, the students need to achieve. This is also examined in the country-wide standardized Cito-test,“ says Susan Donker. “But the Nice thing about the work is that we teachers are very free, as we make the lessons until then.”

part of that is to let the students very much independently, and with digital media work. “We have to prepare them, finally, on the digital future,” says the young teacher. Equipping your school with Laptops for all and large Touch Screens in every room makes this fairly easy. And for you and your young colleagues, the Internet and Social Media are already part of everyday life.

The student-smartphone Hiking in the morning, still in the locker and remain there until the end of the school year – without the Nagging.

team spirit and open communication

For Dutch flat hierarchies, informal communication or the familiarity of teachers and students, of course. German, teaching in Holland, find their discussion joyous student once getting used to, to appreciate it then, but that you are open and relaxed than in Germany. And you quickly get used to the fact that teachers and students are a Team with the same goal – as a sports team from a Coach and athlete.

So much for a primary school, such as the Binckhorst also made an effort to make the children between four and twelve years of strong and self-confident people, to promote their spiritual development with modern digital methods – at the end of the school year, a Musical in Holland. “This performance is to be successful, our students is more important than the perfect Cito-Test,” says Susan Donker. She laughs. You may not took too seriously. Not even as a teacher. From the Netherlands to learn: 10 things, the run of Holland’s schools better than us,

in order To fit for the future, needs to invest in Germany in training – everyone agrees. It could learn from other countries. Our Dutch neighbours have implemented in the primary schools are already things that also demand a lot of German education experts as necessary reforms.

The elementary school starts early, from the age of four. The differentiation is carried out only after eight years of learning together with twelve.Parents have free school choice, regardless of the address.The teaching begins only at 8.30 and end at 14.30 or 15.00. Homework there is not.Almost all of the schools are financed by the state, the private carrier.Each school is free, after which method you want to address.The Ministry of education gives a country-wide common learning outcomes, as well as the Tests, which retrieve. The most important of the “Cito”Test is done at the end of primary school.It is not only the teacher to decide on the further school career, but their assessment plus the Cito-Test.There is no teacher-officers. Teachers are applying for, where you want. Schools, whom they want to.School practice from the first day of teacher training. Holland the country has the perfect infrastructure for digital Learning. The schools are mostly equipped with all the necessary hardware and Software. Teachers also use them.

All of the stories from the series of “14 countries, 14 Reporter”


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