In a weekendinterview The Morning, gets Laurette Onkelinx (PS) from the N-VA Member of parliament, Theo Francken. “If it needs to connect to, then I will,” said Onkelinx.

In the interview she comes back to a statement in 2014 that they did on Francken, ” and ” le bruit des bottes’ they that were with him entered the Room, which is a reference to the Second world War. “The sound is, through his tweets, and his suggestions, we have become. If the country is to connect to it, then I’ll change it,” she says.

Onkelinx said, still a bit worried about the acceptance of the porosity of the opposite of the extreme right-wing ideology of the Vlaams belang”, which has been integrated in the Flemish regeercultuur.

Even in the intervriew said Onkelinx by Elio Di Rupo (PS), and Paul Magnette (PS) were asked to state whether they are available in any federal negotiations. “Of course, I said yes. If I need help, I’ll be waiting”.

More about Laurette Onkelinx CDH requires a great debate in the middle of the Commissioner: “What do you want to reach them?” The PS shall, Onkelinx as a European Commissioner, the PS would be Onkelinx, if Eurocomissaris consider Laurette Onkelinx: “Cordon sanitaire around the value for the N-o and the Theo Francken face”