Now, Mr. Speaker John Bercow on Wednesday, his last day as chairman of the house of Commons to be spent. The guy took the time to get a few people to thank. If Bercow was addressed to his wife and children, he became visibly emotional.

< / P>

see also:

“Order! Fast. Order!”: John Bercow to get on as the chairman of the British house of Commons

And then, suddenly, John Bercow, his famous words no longer speak: “it is Not the result of a kangoeroetestikels-to-eat food”:

find out More about that by any chance? A suspect goes unnoticed, from the court, during the deliberations Pakjesbezorger will get the shock of his life when Halloweendecoratie “alive” is That it was not her mom saves son was just at the time of the coming of ram, The Verhulst, to be honest about the “dry” period, “Then it is Among The hands all along”