Comment on Corona-the summer, But Mediterranean instead of BergseeEs is good that Switzerland, with Germany, France and Austria, the controls at the internal borders is now back, and from the age of 15. June, be annulled. Opinion Stephan Israel40 Kommentare40Ferien on the island of Corsica could be possible: From the middle of June, the borders to France are passable again.Photo: Thomas Möckli

Some things we are learning not only really appreciate when we have it. So it is with the freedom of travel and open borders in the Schengen area, which Switzerland. In the spell of the Corona-crisis of the Federal Council in Bern have agreed to, the government in Berlin or the Federal Chancellor in Vienna we are actually already on summer vacation within our national borders. At last, however, the political pressure in Europe has increased massively, to loosen the restrictions at the internal borders.

It is the feeling of confinement in one’s own country, reinforced by the weeks in Lockdown. If the border closures have been of benefit to something in the fight against the pandemic, was controversial from the beginning. Now, since the infection numbers on both sides of the border go back and a piece of normality has returned to the everyday, to closed borders, only damage. Of course there are economic interests. The tourism in Switzerland is also made up of foreign guests, and in Germany, there are not nearly enough offerings, as that all Germans could spend in their home holidays.

Normally, the summer is still not

Now, in opening up new perspectives again. Maybe it is for some, but the Mediterranean sea instead of the lake. The ramp-up of driving controls at the internal borders was uncoordinated and chaotic. This time we want the EU, or Schengen to make countries better. Well, that Switzerland could play a mediating role. At least between Switzerland, Germany and France as well as Austria, the controls should be driven in a coordinated back and the 15. June eliminated.

Despite the non-prospects, hoping it is not a normal summer. It’s the holiday, with a safety distance, as well as strict hygiene rules at every step of the way to be. In the case of a second wave, otherwise controls would be threats to the internal borders rapidly high.

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