In 2019, in France, “9.2 million people live below the monetary poverty line”, reports INSEE. A number that represents 14.6% of the French population.

This rate is calculated on the basis of the income of all French people. You are considered “poor” when you earn less than 60% of the median standard of living of the population.

In 2019, this corresponded to “a disposable income of 1,102 euros per month for a person living alone and 2,314 euros for a couple with two children under the age of 14”, specifies INSEE.

If there are so many citizens living below the poverty line, how many live above the wealth line?

In its 2022 report, the Wealth Observatory calculated a wealth threshold, as reported by 20 Minutes. It is equivalent to twice the median standard of living of the population.

According to this Report on the rich in France, a Frenchman lives above the wealth threshold from the moment he receives a monthly salary of “3,673 euros per month for a single person or 5,500 euros for a couple, the all after taxes,” 20 Minutes reports. This concerns 4.5 million French citizens, or 7% of the population.

This national average varies considerably from region to region. In Île-de-France, where the greatest French fortunes are concentrated, this threshold of wealth is much higher than in the rest of the territory. In the region, only those who earn more than 5,790 euros per month live above the wealth line; i.e. 2,000 euros more than the national average.