For some, a Festival of joy, carries Christmas for other health hazards. This is especially true for people who carry because of their age or their physical condition have an increased risk of heart attack. As a “Christmas-Holiday-Effect” refer to American Physicians the observation that the incidence of acute heart attacks in the Christmas holidays by leaps and bounds is increasing. In Europe, the situation does not seem to be different. For this purpose, the results of a comprehensive analysis of the data from the Swedish health register based on at least speak.

all the inhabitants of Sweden, between 1998 and 2013 due to an acute heart attack in a Hospital, supplies have been taken into Account. As the cardiologist David Earthlings from the University in Lund and the other study authors report in the “British Medical Journal”, had visited in the observed period, almost 285,000 patients due to an acute heart attack to a hospital. Especially great is the number of the relevant hospital stays, Christmas and new year.

A third more attacks on Christmas eve

these days, the hospitals treated approximately fifteen to twenty percent more Infarct patients than in the year, on Christmas eve, there were 36 percent more. Also in the summer holidays, the infarction were related hospitalizations, although only to a low extent. It is not the case, this was occasions, at Easter, and in the case of large Sports. As also showed, were the heart attacks in the Christmas season, not early in the Morning, as usual, but about ten o’clock in the evening. Not surprisingly, they were a majority of older men and women, as well as persons suffering from Diabetes or other infarct-promoting diseases.

Why heart attacks on Christmas day accumulating, it is not clear from the study. The winter cold does not seem to be the driving force. Because immediately before Christmas and in January, the infarction rates were not increased. In addition, it also comes in new Zealand, where, in December, summer temperatures prevail, at Christmas, to an increase in the infarction rate, like, two years ago, in the Journal of the American College of cardiology-society was read. According to the Swedish scientists, this phenomenon should therefore be based more on Stress or strong emotions, may be but also a deep look into the glass and overflowing plates.

whatever be the reason, it is Important at the first signs of a heart attack – for this purpose, include ongoing pain in the chest, in the back or in the upper abdomen that radiate to arms and back to alert the ambulance. The Deputy Chairman of the German heart Foundation, Thomas Voigtlander from the Cardio-angiological Centrum Bethanien in Frankfurt.

emergency call number ” 112 ”

Just at the holidays, the Affected and their relatives, and were afraid, but often, the number ” 112 ” to call, says the cardiologist. The hope is that the complaints of the decay, could be the patient, however, easily undoing. Heart attacks lead often in ventricular fibrillation – severe heart palpitations, without immediate treatment, death. The longer the clogged coronary artery remains closed, the more heart tissue dies. “On holidays, the family doctors are not be as a counselor also usually available,” says Voigtländer, and adds, “this is the year of the regular medical supply is interrupted due to the combination of the holidays, especially long, and of 22. until the Morning of the 27. December.“ As he notes, furthermore, supports the heart Foundation currently has two studies that investigate whether, in the days before the heart attack already typical symptoms passed. “The first evaluations show that this is 50 percent of the patients in the case. Many of the sufferers find during the holidays, but no contact for their symptoms“.