as for The government, after a month back on the multimillion euro investment that they have entered into a vipvliegtuigen that the ministers and the king will fly. That is, write The Time on Wednesday.

at the Beginning of last month, the federal council of ministers the green light to the contract, the so-called white fleet, on Abelag Aviation. The rent of a two-luxevliegtuigen would be 124 million euro, spread out over twelve years of age. One of the other candidates, a Flying Group, then moved straight to the Council of State, because, according to him, the more mistakes were made at the time of awarding of the contract. In the case on Friday to the Council of State. But in Defence of the other parties to let them know that they can make the decision to withdraw.

What is the future of the multimillion euro investment will be the government Reynders will not be lost. It doesn’t even have to confirm that the order is revoked, even though that’s already been officially communicated to the Council of State. “We can’t say anything about the content of the procedure”, and reads it.

finally, The government indicates that the procedure has been raised that the ministry of Defence is not very good, it would have to have reasons for Solvay, the contract awards. Another major issue is that the Flying Group would have to be cited, that is, the government would have agreed to an abnormally low price. The defence would have failed, and the reliability of the airline (s) that is a candidate for the aircraft to be delivered. This was due to safety reasons, however, it is recommended.
More about the Council of State and to the Municipalities don’t want to have to pay themselves millions in additional pay to police the Municipalities tackle an invoice for the additional pay police officers of the Council of State, it destroys a higher amount for applying for a residence permit Officers of the Council of State does not see the problem of non-recognition of Genk islamschool