to create A new Flemish government was formed, it is not quite there yet, but the new parliamentary year in the Flemish Parliament on Monday, however, has already begun. With time, Filip Dewinter (Vlaams belang) on a temporary basis as the chairman.

at The start of the new parliamentary year in the Flemish Parliament, is traditionally associated with the Septemberverklaring. But on Monday, it was that, in the absence of a government has not been given. Formateur: Jan Jambon (N-VA) has not yet been able to create a new government, and hopes to be able to the white smoke over the course of the week.

SEE ALSO. “Not yet, at least for a few more days” for the new Flemish government, a terror to new kibbelkabinet is great

The hearing Monday, which was also in a minor key. “There is not much to do in this parliament, and now it’s even worse,” said political scientist Dave Sinardet (free university of brussels). It was a short session, in which formalities such as the election of the president, have been dealt with. The president was elected – it was, again, the N-VA there is Wilfried Vandaele was Filip Dewinter (Vlaams belang), which, as the longest-sitting member of parliament in the voorzittersstoel was allowed to take a seat. He stressed the eagerness, there is not a government, his party would like otherwise, they would have seen it.

Number of women

Wilfried Vandaele was on the 13th of July during an extraordinary session, to the temporary president of the Flemish Parliament for a vote. He was the only candidate to have been partijgenoot, Kris Van Dijck, after the buzz in the escort services case. And even then, it was Dewinter’s acting president. Now, in the new parliamentary year is beginning, it had a temporary chair, a permanent in a vote. And so it came to pass.

In his opening speech, pointed Vandaele on a large number of new faces and a record number of women in the Flemish Parliament. Nearly half of the members are new, and also that almost half of the members were female.

as Vandaele also finds, that the parliament should consider its role in the ever-changing society. “On the one hand, our society is becoming more complex, on the other hand, the questions of the media and the social media that we snedig and short, often too short in our messages, to formulate,” says Vandaele. In order to meet this challenge is a bend of a working group on the functioning of the parliament.

the Temporary chairman?

at the time, also, a temporary job may turn out to be. “The question is whether or not Wilfried Vandaele president to continue,” says Sinardet. “The function of the president is one of the features that are on the table during the government negotiations. It’s Vandaele is also in the new government, but we should still talk about it.”
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