New data for ads – Facebook launches platform for Online ShopsDer US tech giant a in the middle of the Corona-crisis, a new platform for Online stores. Traders will have the possibility to sell Goods in a live Video stream to.0 KommentareSo could look like in the future a Shop on Facebook.Photo: Facebook

Facebook wants to become the platform for Online trading, and could, with its huge reach and technical Strengths of the business up. Traders can now easily build Online stores that are on Facebook and Instagram to reach.

Live Shopping “comes”: the ability to sell Goods in a live Video stream. The project should help especially smaller companies to survive in the Corona of a crisis, said Facebook founder and chief Mark Zuckerberg of the German press Agency.

“It is something I was already interested in longer, but as Covid-19 came out, it was really critical and urgent.” Many of the smaller companies – their ads are very important for the business of Facebook – were in front of the From and looked for the way out in Online business. Therefore, the development of Facebook Shops had been accelerated “dramatically”.

data on customer behaviour

For Facebook itself will bring you to the Shopping platform, data on the behavior of the customers – similar to other Offerings of the Online network, as Zuckerberg said. “We’ll see what Shops they interact, what products you are interested in, what they buy, and so on.”

Currently, but it provided no functionality to share this information with friends, and no one else except the user, the Shop and Facebook to get access to it. With the data on the Online could perfect network, but its lucrative ability of advertising to bring customers the right addressee for your Ads to more and more.

charges for payment functions

the establishment of The Facebook shop will be for traders, free of charge, said Zuckerberg. Fees would only be about for payment functions due”, but it is mostly to cover our costs”. Facebook assume that the dealer advertising revenue in the Online network.

“Our advertising system works with auctions, in which a company offers so much as it a display value. If we can make a display of valuable, because when someone clicks on it, buys with higher probability of something, we will earn more money with advertising”, he described Facebook’s line of thought.

points want Facebook with the link of its various services. So you will be able to an Online Shop via WhatsApp, the Facebook Messenger or the chat function of Instagram the cover letter. If the Facebook System is linked to a credit card, you can pay directly with it.

to The – and Try on – about cosmetics, clothes or eyewear – is to be facilitated with the help of the so-called “augmented reality” (Augmented Reality), in the case of the virtual content on the Display with real images are mixed. So you can show about Make-Up colors on the face, or pieces of furniture in the room. In addition, the Online network is also working on an Integration of the bonus points programs.

Some categories, such as weapons will not be available on the platform, even if your sales would be legal, said Zuckerberg.

competition to Amazon and Ebay

Facebook with 2.6 billion users and a well-established Online advertising system could become a powerful competitor, even for large trading platforms like Amazon and Ebay. The Shopping Initiative is likely to draw the attention of regulators – as everything that a company of Facebook’s Size make, said Zuckerberg. “But I don’t think that our reaction can be to make nothing New.”

Many people and companies wanted to use Facebook’s products and depended on them. “We are responsible, innovative, and I think we are one of the institutions worldwide that can really help.”

(SDA /aru)

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