According to his lawyer, this is a first in France. A man was declared a victim of a work accident by the tribunal des affaires de sécurité sociale (TASS) of the Yvelines department because of malaise, which occurred on November 6, 2013 due to its intolerance to electromagnetic waves. Employee in a telecommunications company, he had been diagnosed électrosensible in 2011. He had, however, been maintained at the same position in spite of the recommendations of the medicine of labour, who had requested a transfer on two occasions to ” a post with little exposure to the electromagnetic waves “.

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In its decision, rendered on September 27, and revealed Wednesday, October 10, by the AFP, TASS, says that “the existence of an external cause, exclusive of this accident is not reported,” and that it could be traced back to the work. He therefore sentenced the primary Fund health insurance to pay 1 600 euros to the applicant, as well as 2,000 euros for legal costs.

A first medical examination had concluded that a malaise of origin “psychiatric” caused by “anxiety disorders” no connection with the environment at work. A second report, by another doctor, however, has argued that ” the signs that were presented during this malaise could be compatible with a malaise hypersensitivity to electromagnetic waves “, ensuring that it could not exclude ” any causal link between the discomfort and work “.

“the first judicial”

This is ” the first French judicial which opens a door for other victims électrosensibles “, has welcomed his counsel, mr. François Lafforgue, who is also the lawyer of the association Priartem who argues for a regulation of the relay antennas for mobile telephony. The lawyer has assured to follow a fortnight of records pertaining to persons électrosensibles for ” procedures of application for disability pension, allowance, disabled adult, or requests of adaptation of the job “.

” once more, justice is in the lead on the policy and the legislative “, for its part, has responded to Sophie Pelletier, president of Priartem, in a press release on Wednesday, October 10. In fact, the electrosensitivity is not officially recognised as a disease in France. The world health Organization (WHO) has, however, recognized in 2005 that it was ” characterized by a variety of non-specific symptoms that differ from one individual to another “. There are no diagnostic criteria with clear, nor scientific basis to link the symptoms to exposure to electromagnetic fields.