the opponents of The bill ions heavy bond purchases by the ECB have suffered before the European court of justice(ECJ) for a defeat. The judges in Luxembourg said on Tuesday, especially in Germany, disputed transactions would not be in breach of EU law.

The Federal constitutional court had expressed in the summer of 2017 is in doubt, whether the purchases fall within the competence of the Euro-based Bank. The judges saw “weighty reasons” that it violates the prohibition of monetary state financing. They turned then to the European court of justice. Against the purchases, among other things, the CSU action was brought by Peter Gauweiler, of the AfD-founder Bernd Lucke and the Berlin-based Professor Markus Kerber.

The purchase of government bonds and other securities in March 2015, the main weapon of the guardian of the currency, in the fight against a weak economy, and from their point of view, a long to low Inflation. But in the meantime, the economy is better again. The Euro-guards in view, the now almost 2.6 trillion Euro engorged transactions of the year.