The political consultant and publicist Margarita Mathiopoulos permanently lose your doctorate, because you wrote your Dissertation in Parts. This was decided by the European court of human rights (ECtHR) in Strasbourg, as he confirmed on Tuesday. He took a final point in the long running plagiarism procedures. An ECHR spokeswoman said the complaint by Mathiopoulos against the decision of the Federal administrative court in Leipzig, was inadmissible.

The Federal administrative court had confirmed in 2017, the legality of the decision of the University of Bonn, Mathiopoulos the title belts. The Dissertation dates back to the year 1986. Already in the nineties, there had been doubts about the work. 20 years later, plagiarism hunters have taken on the Internet and found more than 300 passages that were not marked as Acquisitions. The University of Bonn decided that the doctoral degree should not be withdrawn.

the decision of The Strasbourg court had already handed down at the beginning of October. First, the “Potsdamer neueste Nachrichten” about the end of the year-long dispute of Potsdam honorary Professor.

Mathiopoulos was nationally known, as they wanted to make the then SPD Chairman, Willy Brandt, 1987 to the party spokesperson. The nomination earned him a fierce internal party criticism, in the end, he could not enforce the personnel.