The Minister of state for Digital, Dorothee Bär (CSU), does not preclude the digitization in the healthcare sector relaxations in privacy. “We have in Germany with the strictest data protection laws in the world and the highest demands on the protection of privacy,” she said of the “Welt am Sonntag”. “Blocked a lot of developments in the health sector, therefore, we need to disarm because at one point or another, some rules are deleted, and the other to loosen.” The Germans were driven “in total, in all, too hesitant and too much Fears and inhibited”.

According to the words of a politician should be the electronic health card and the single electronic patient record is still in this legislature. “The health card will come, definitely,” said Baer. “The electronic patient file will go in this legislature, in regular operation, i.e., until no later than the end of 2021. This must be so; and, finally, all the other digital health to build services.“

Are the cards from yesterday?

it was but on the other hand, “that it must be a map; this is a concept from a different decade,” said Baer. “We need to have a digital application that is best for the Smartphone.”