the German security authorities are now resigned to the accusation, you would have pure know carriers nothing from the serial theft of private data of hundreds of mandate. But, but, boasted of the President of the Federal office for information security (BSI), in the beginning of December, he came to know of it, and that it was “at an early stage certain actions”. Whatever it was, has helped nothing.

the perpetrator or perpetrators remained unmolested, the rest of the members were not informed. As from the third Sunday in Advent, in instalments and according to the parties statements, private correspondence, cell phone screens were numbers, and other personal information of politicians, Celebrities and journalists are on the net, it was initially nothing. No one was informed, investigations were not included. The Green-Chairman Robert Habeck made a party of friends attention to the fact that he was a victim of a steal valuable / private data.

Now, the German Federal authorities in Cyber anyway, not just for your expertise known. It is missing from all our Efforts, expertise and Knowledge. And in the case of a Federal government that in digital Affairs, an extremely long, analog response time, even if it is just the Expansion of the infrastructure. In the current case, which is also an attack on Democrats, are further indications of certain shortcomings in the Cyber-security, organisational and technical. So there was a lack of Information to the Public through a competent and responsible body.