An American couple is given a lot of criticism after that they are in a strange way, the gender of their future baby will have to be revealed. So, threw them a watermelon, in the mouth of a hippo at the zoo in Texas. Also, the zoo was involved in the stunt was not appreciated on social media.

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see also:

the Parents-to-be reveal the sex of the baby, but crying for another reason

the Parents sex know about their third child, and responding as the oldest son, however, was very disappointed at

More about that by any chance? The driver gets frisky and causing a collision, and his reaction is and then if you want a Singer Damien will be surprised for the 50th anniversary, and it’s not dry-It was a dream of Evil grizzly bears have a fierce “debate” in the middle of the road, the Face of Greta Thunberg says it all: blitzbezoek of the Trump steals spotlight at climate change summit