All of the claim, from the Disaster in and around Stuttgart 21, they would have learned. For example, it would be wise to go for large projects, early involve the Public. Unfortunately, the example of the recently proposed long-distance transport tunnel under Frankfurt is that between Sunday speeches and daily actions there is a gap.

The idea to dig under the center Tunnel, so ICE trains faster through the city and the congested Central station, additional capacity to grow, is convincing. But you will of course be questioned. There is no infrastructure project that has only advantages, someone will pay a price. Even if it might take a long time, until the tunnel was invaded Bauer, can’t be wrong, at an early stage in a discussion.

Late and einsilbilge answers

but What happens? The Federal Ministry of transport shall inform the idea almost casually in a list of several dozen infrastructure projects in Germany. To telephone enquiries is not, written after several weeks of monosyllabic responding. Now the answer to a little request of the Left group in the Bundestag has promoted further Details to light. Manager of the Deutsche Bahn do not comment at all.

So it goes. In this large-scale project that has at least found a friendly reception in the coalition agreement of the CDU and the Greens in Wiesbaden, any concise answer to the question, three new questions. It would be imperative that once a Secretary of state, also the Federal Minister of transport himself, decided to the Main, and the spectacular Plan fully explained. No one will blame a guest, that he may not be required to submit detailed planning. But it can also be so that the dialogue to life, running like I used to correspondence chess, when the player sent the trains via post card.