The arrangement between the bank and HSBC, and to the Belgian authorities, it is by the court approved. That is, the bank on Friday confirmed it. With € 295 million, the largest settlement ever in the us.

The bank has to pay to take legal action to buy it. More than 3,000 Belgian clients of HSBC’s Private Bank in Geneva, switzerland, could be for years and years and billions of euros of black money is hidden in our taxes. The settlement as it became known, in the month of August. The court considered that the latter, however, have to check it out. The settlement has been finally approved by the court, must report to the bank on Friday. HSBC has been “satisfied” that the investigation can be completed.
More about the HSBC, the European Court of justice, it destroys a fine of 33.6 million euros for British bank HSBC, the 300 million Settlement with the Swiss bank and the largest ever in Belgium, public prosecutor with HSBC, the largest settlement in history, with 300 million euro to Banks to get Eu fines for manipulation of interest rates