The global debt stood in the middle of last year, nearly 250 trillion dollars, or nearly three times the global economic output. This means that the debt is not increased in the past years, not only absolutely more. Also in Relation to economic performance, the debt will move to a level that was last reached in the Second world war and before the Napoleonic crisis. Is to conclude, the world is facing a serious and comprehensive debt crisis?

Gerald Braunberger

editor in the business, responsible for the financial market.

F. A. Z.

the professionals of the Swiss big Bank Credit Suisse development into perspective in a comprehensive study on the global Debt this impression. “Our study comes to the conclusion that the probability of a system crisis, such as those in 2008, in frontiers,” it said in a presentation on the sidelines of the world economic forum. “However, a variety of specific risks, which require precise observation. The strongest of the debt increase is concentrated on a relatively small number of countries and sectors.“

In the sum of almost 250 trillion dollars to the debt of States and local authorities, companies, households and financial firms combined. Where to hide the above-mentioned specific risks? Even if the state is referred to debt in General as a Problem, look to the Economists of Credit Suisse, among others, is wary of China. “China has contributed since 2008, a decisive contribution to the debt growth”, – stated in the study.

debt-to-development of America “of the utmost concern to”

Even if the state is a large part of the debt growth relates to debt in China, according to official Figures, not very high, should be taken into account that since the financial crisis, state-owned companies. Their liabilities would have to be attributed to the state debt.