pilots wear life responsibility for hundreds of people, move in a complex environment of electronics and automation, sometimes by several time zones and absence in addition to long working hours often long of the family. With the sky strikers of yore, the life in the public perception for a long time a touch of luxury and internationality surrounded today have hardly anything in common. At the latest since the advent of the first low-cost Airlines, it is over with the Image of Jetset tender glamour boys with Uniform, the trolley suitcase and send sunglasses.

scoffers speak disparagingly of air drivers control the right Air-bus drivers, where the more violent circular red pens of many Airline Manager socket privileges. Add to that an increasingly complex automation in the Cockpit, the first debates about the need for Two-man-cockpit. Nevertheless, the global demand for pilots remains high.

the question Remains: what is the fascination of flying? Would choose today’s pilots your career despite all the odds once again? The aviation journalists Gunter Hartung, Dietmar Plath and her colleague, Astrid Röben have investigated the issue and interviewed pilots from several corners of this earth for her book “passion for fly – in pilots and their way into the Cockpit”, according to their professional reality. Out of a factory, the fly, the dream of mankind on the basis of practitioners, traces the case of danger situations or sudden disruptions in a fraction of a second often life-important decisions have to cases.