Such number of memes, one way or another on one topic (it is, as you guessed, of course, about coronavirus), as over the past few months, it seems, do not appear ever. Although the pandemic is, of course, no reason to joke, a healthy sense of humor — this is something you should never give up.

Recent days, the network is gaining popularity new meme: it Internet users, using images from popular movies, TV series and TV shows, tell their plans for this year crashed to smithereens because COVID-19. However, some of these jokes are so thin that will be understandable to only the most avid film fans, so we gathered those that will make everyone smile.

In General, you want to laugh coronavirus — tell him your plans!

“Game of thrones”
the Simpsons
“King tigers”
“Game of thrones”
Star wars
Doctor Who
the Scream
“Harry Potter”
“King tigers”
“Sex in the city”
“Game of thrones”

However, no less ridiculous has turned out not only movie and series of memes and jokes on this subject on the topic of the day.