After the australian capital territory, and calls are now also a supermarket chain, Albert Heijn, in our country, meat is back, due to the possible presence of listeria. That is, the Federal Food inspection agency (FASFC) on Sunday announced. It’s going to get all of the meat from the brand-Wahid, who was also supplied by the Dutch company, Offerman.

as the Albert Heijn in Belgium and calls on turkey slices (125 g), kipboterhamworst (125 g), chicken in provence (125 g), chicken, natural (125g), rundercervelaat (125 grams) beef package (125 g), and rundersalami (125 g) of the notice Wahid’s back. The chain gets all of the products from the brand to Wahid, out of the sale due to the possible presence of listeria. This happens as a matter of precaution and after consultation with the federal agency (afsca).

Customers are urged to the products of Wahid not to eat the food, and bring it back to an Albert Heijn store. There, they will get the money back. The meat is delivered to the company in Offerman, as confirmed by a spokesman of the Food and drug administration has. The previously cited also the australian capital territory, and Belgium, and a product (beef) is off the shelf, which was delivered by Offerman.

Offerman), a subsidiary of the Belgian vleeswarenproducent, Ter Beke, that calls in amsterdam has been cut and wrapped meat back, due to the possible presence of listeria. In the Netherlands there are three people who have died, and one had a miscarriage due to a listeriabesmetting in this area. According to the Dutch media, who were coming from Offerman.

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